Arkansas Health Department

Arkansas Health Department address is 4815 W Markham St, Little Rock, Arkansas 72205, the main phone number is 800-554-5738 but you may also use the following ADH phone numbers:

ADH Main Phone Number: 800-554-5738
COVID-19 Phone Number: 1-800-803-7847
Director’s Office Phone Number: 501-661-2400
Emergency Medical Services Number: 501-661-2262
ADH Human Resources: 501-280-4099
Toll-Free: 1-800-275-1131;
Central Arkansas: 501-614-4689;
TDD: 1-800-285-1131

Americans with Disabilities Act Coordinator: 501-280-4099 501-661-2675
Board of Health Phone Number: 501-683-6626
Breast Care Number: 501-280-4743
Breastfeeding Phone Number: 1-800-445-6175
Breast, Cervical, and Colorectal Cancer Contact: 501-280-4743
Cancer Registry Number: 501-661-2463
Chemical Materials Number: 501-661-2833
Child & Adolescent Health Number: 501-280-4780
Chronic Disease Number: 501-661-2942
Clinician Outreach Number: 501-661-2482
Communications Phone Number: 501-661-2186
Diabetes Helpline: 501-661-2942
Drug Destruction: 501-661-2325
EMSC Number: 501-280-4902

Environmental Health Number: 501-661-2171
Epidemiology: 501-661-2893
Epidemiology Survelliance: 501-661-2245
Family Health: 501-661-2021
Foodborne Disease: 501-661-2169

Health Facility Services: 501-661-2201
Health Facility Services Complaints Number: 501-661-2368
Healthcare-associated Infections (HAI) Program: 501-661-2296
Heart Disease & Stroke: 501-661-2942
Hepatitis C contact: 501-661-2976

HIV/AIDS Helpline: 501-661-2408
HIV/AIDS Prevention Number: 501-661-2408
HIV/STD/AIDS Registry: 501-661-2971

Hometown Health Improvement: 501-661-2574
Hospital Preparedness Number: 501-661-2482
Immunizations Number: 501-661-2169
Immunizations Registry: 501-280-4080
Infant Hearing: 501-280-4740
Legal Department phone number: 501-683-6626
Lifestage Health: 501-661-2099
Massage Therapy: 501-683-1448
Medicaid Provider Appeals: 501-661-2878
Medical Marijuana Toll Free 1-833-214-8619
Medical Reserve Corps: 501-661-2482
Medical Waste: 501-661-2621
Minority Health and Health Disparities: 501-246-0127
Newborn Screening Phone Number: 866-769-9043

Rural Health & Primary Care: 501-280-4560
School Health Helpline: 501-280-4783

Sexually Transmitted Diseases Line: 501-661-2408
STD Prevention: 501-661-2408
Strategic National Stockpile: 501-661-2482
Toxic Substances Registry: 501-280-4168

Trauma Registry Number: 501-661-2323
Trauma Systems Phone Number: 501-671-1428
Tuberculosis: 501-661-2152

Vital Records Office: 501-661-2336 or 800-637-9314
Volunteer Program Number: 501-661-2136

WIC (Women, Infants & Health): 501-661-2508
Women’s Health Helpline: 501-661-2480
Women’s Health – Medical Questions: 501-661-2480

X-ray Program: 501-661-2378
Zoonotic Diseases (Rabies): 501-280-4136

Arkansas Health Department Fax Number: 501-661-2357

What is Arkansas Health Department Phone Number?

Arkansas Health Department phone number where you can talk to a real person with regarding to public health issues, COVID-19, vaccinations, Medicaid is 800-554-5738

Arkansas Health Department Website

Arkansas Health Department Mailing Address

Below is Arkansas Health Department address for either sending official mail or visit Arkansas State Department of Health offices:

Agency: Arkansas State Department of Health
Street: 4815 W Markham St
City: Little Rock
State: Arkansas
ZIP Code: 72205

What services and information are provided by Arkansas Health Department?

Arkansas Health Department is Arkansas state health agency that provides public health services, regulation, licenses and information including:

* COVID-19 Information, Treatment & Vaccines
* Medicaid, Medical Insurance
* Emergency Preparedness and Response
* Vital Records & Statistics (Birth, Death, Marriage, and Divorce Records)
* Consumer Protection
* Data and Surveillance
* Public Health and Wellness
* Medical Licenses
* Nursing Licenses
* Pharmacy Licenses
* Infectious Disease Control
* Laboratory Services
* and more

Arkansas Medicaid Phone Number

What is Arkansas Medicaid Phone Number?

Arkansas Medicaid Phone Number is 501-682-8292

Arkansas Health Department Duties
The Department of Health and Human Services is a part of the executive branch of the U.S. federal government, meaning that the head of HHS serves on the Cabinet, a group of government leaders who advise the president.
The Secretary of Health and Human Services is appointed by the president and serves as head of the Department.
The Deputy Secretary of Health and Human Services, along with seven Assistant Secretaries, helps the Secretary lead the Department. The responsibilities of HHS include disease prevention and wellness, social services, and biodefense, among others.
Watch this video to learn more about Arkansas Health Department Duties: is a free information hub for Arkansas Health Department and all states health departments for the public and companies. This website is completely independent and not associated with any of the federal or state’s government offices, agencies, boards or commission.

Additional State Department of Health
Utah Department of Health
WEST Virginia DHHR
New Mexico Department of Health
Maryland Department of Health
DHHS Nebraska (Nebraska State Department of Health)
Iowa Department of Public Health
Wisconsin Department of Health
Alabama Department of Public Health
SCDHEC (South Carolina State Department of Health)
Louisiana Department of Health

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